Saturday, January 23, 2010

Oil spilled at east Texas port as ships collide

PORT ARTHUR, Texas – A crude oil spill in a southeast Texas port that happened when a tanker and towing vessel collided Saturday was not expected to spread beyond a two-mile area, the U.S. Coast Guard said.
It was unclear exactly how much oil spilled into the water, but the Coast Guard said it could have been as much as 450,000 gallons.
No one was injured when the 800-foot tanker carrying oil collided with a towing vessel pushing two barges, but the Port of Port Arthur was closed and some nearby residents were evacuated for about seven hours. The Coast Guard said the crash left a 15-by-8-foot hole in the tanker and damaged one of its oil tanks, resulting in the spill.;_ylt=A0wNdOfU9FtL3fEAhhes0NUE;_ylu=क्ष३ओद्म्त्न्ज्म्ग्त्र्न्मेय्ब्ग्फ़्ज़्क२व०अ२फ़्व्ल्ज़िव्म्तव्म्ति०ल३व्ज़्क्ष२९प्ब्फ़९ज़्क्ग्ल्स्बर्ज्य२९क्ज़्क़्न्त्ब३न०क्ग९व्द्व्क्ष्ह्क्ग्र्ज्क्ग९ज़ज़िएक्ग९ज़ज़्केच्क़्दग९त्ज़्व९ज्ब२त्ल्भ्न्ल्य्व्न५ब्ल९०ब३ब्फ़्क३र्व्क्न्केक२क्ष्र२९प्भ्न्वव्क्ष्स्ज़्व्र्ह्द
Comment on the news of the diversion of oil in water Shi Musav too often happened in addition to material loss Allpt output of oil on aquatic life such as Asaml and jealousy in the future I hope there are no such disaster

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